Alan Fekete for Branch Committee


I am a Professor in Computer Science (Faculty of Engineering), with 35 years as member of staff and union.

I have supported others through difficulties with management. I served on Academic Board for 20 years, where I opposed management proposals to shorten semesters, and argued against centralization and use of ticket systems that prevent relationships being built among colleagues.

University staff have immense talents, and we could do so much if not stymied by overwork, micromanagement, distractions from job insecurity and repeated change processes.

The Union is the best hope of fixing these obstacles, and so it needs to focus on pragmatically improving working conditions here.

I will bring NTEU closer to the daily concerns of staff (academic and professional, members and non-members). I seek alliances that build NTEU capability to work for these goals.

NTEU Renewal covers diverse views and approaches; we can cooperate to improve the environment for all staff. Please help renew the union, so we can renew the University.

I support Peter Chen for Branch President.

For Decent conditions and Decent University we need a Decent Union


Beccy Connell for Branch Committee


Ron Clarke for Branch Committee