Maryanne Large for VP Academic

Professor, School of Physics,
Faculty of Science

For Decent conditions and a Decent University we need a Decent Union

I’m standing because I want to see a union that is broad, welcoming and seeks to build membership amongst the wider staff. 

I’m an academic in Physics with extensive experience in the union and within the University. I was a Senate Fellow for four years and am a past Vice President of the branch. In Physics I’m co-chair of the EDI Committee.

I know there are workplaces that are unsafe, systems that are dysfunctional, and that there is too much overwork, and too many insecure roles. Solving these problems requires a strong union.

The union is too important to fail. No other body has the power to effectively take on the University management.

But a strong and effective union requires participation.

In the last election, only 22% of members voted. We’ve lost many long-standing members because they are disenchanted with the direction the union is taking. We need them back, and we need to attract new members.

When only a minority votes, we get a branch committee that reflects the views and approach of that minority. So please vote!


Fiona Gill for Branch Secretary


Jen Dowling for VP Professional