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in the USYD Branch elections

For the many, not the few

We believe in the importance of unions: working together to make our work and our world a better place.

But our union branch needs renewal.

We need a union that is welcoming and inclusive. Where differences of view are not met with abuse and slander.

We need a leadership that provides creative, effective industrial strategy built on majority support for issues that matter to the many, not the few.

A platform
for Renewal

We have a comprehensive plan to renew our branch based on majority support for priority issues.

Meet the candidates

We are a network of experienced, progressive academic and professional staff unionists at the University of Sydney who are committed to change.

We a running to create a branch leadership that prioritises the needs of the many and charts a clever course for our union.

2 important ways you can support renewal in this election

Vote for Renewal + Renewal-endorsed candidates


Turnout in past branch elections has been low.

It’s crucial that in this election you vote to make sure the branch leadership is representative of the majority of NTEU members.

Help spread the word


Even if you vote for Renewal, it’s vital that you help spread the word and encourage your fellow union members to vote.

If you are able to help us spread the word, please get in touch and get involved in the Renewal campaign.